Cutting logs square?

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Jags said:
Perfectly cut wood does not burn as well as various lengths. Thats why I don't cut perfect. Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

that explains why anybody new buying split firewood from me comes running out of the house with a tape measure.and i have to ask'em " if you can get it in the door,can you shut the door on your woodstove"?? :-/
paredown said:
I need to ask a newbie question before I get serious about cutting wood for next year.

When you have a pile of logs laying on the ground, are there any good tricks for cutting your rounds consistently?

I started marking my lengths on top with paint so I could get lengths in the ballpark, but I still seem to have trouble cutting square.

Practice, or do real woodburners mark the logs around the circumference?

About 5 years ago, there were 3 of us cutting up 2 grapple loads and a few others helping out, after about an hour I noticed some were 23".....some were 18".......etc.....etc....
The 23's fit into my BIL's Firelight, but not to good into our Oslo's. So if we are cutting on a grapple load, I'll use a piece of wood strapping marked at 20" with wood screws. I'll go down and mark 5-6 trucks with paint and we'll have at it.
Quick, easy no BS......smaller diameter stuff we'll eyeball 18" or so, but good sized trunks get marked.
We don't mark all the way around, if your chain is sharp, the bar is good.....your saw should chow right down through.
Sometimes we have the older kids mark them for us, but they have trouble keeping up when the 660 & 5100s are running together.



  • [] Cutting logs square?
    216.4 KB · Views: 189
My concern with cutting square is so that I can stand them on end for splitting by hand. If you have a hydraulic splitter, I don't suppose it makes much difference.
Hi Dan

Actually thats not true. While you can work around it some. If it is on too much of a angle the log will slip on the pusher plate. Its kinda scary when it pops and jumps sideways so fast you cannot see it move until it stops. And sometimes fustrating when you start pushing and it keeps sliding off of one side or the other.

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