This is way cool to see, glad this thread got bumped!! I've done some digging around on the internet and have had a hell of a time finding someone that makes a digitally controllable rheostat I could use to get many different speeds and use them with a temp curve. Right now I've got one of those rheostats that the blower plugs into and that controls the speed of the fan quite nicely, but it's manual...
Initial thoughts on doing it on the cheap, a small arduino board to drive a RC servo and monitor a temp probe. The RC servo would hook to an adjustable rheostat and adjust the fan speed, kind of rigged but the cost on all the parts would be cheap. I'd have to program the arduino to do what I wanted, but as a bonus it could hook up to the internet and I could see the status of my stove wherever I was at. (Could even rig an email alert for danger temps or reloads, hmmmm)
Okay, this is getting pretty nerdy for the hearth forums so I'll stop here...
Interesting idea HaTax, how does your fan currently behave with the rheostat, especially at lower speeds? Any issues with noise or motor heating? I assume you're using a rheostat meant for motor loads, not just a basic lighting one.
If the knob on a rheostat just turns a pot, could you replace the output from the pot with a voltage signal from your Arduino board? This would eliminate the RC servo and the mechanical connection to the pot.
I'm not familiar with Arduino, but I just looked at their website and they'd be fun to play around with if I had the time!