Even at 16 mini splits are more efficient than a window air which is usually 9 to 11. That said ,Its the reliability issue that worries most. I generally avoid all things china,even food items. If they can sell us toxic drywall, they will sell us anything.
look at the current rating of all the components that is the only way to rate how the unit will work power wise. seasonal energy efficiency ratio SEER and energy efficiency ratio's EER are two different things. anything to do with a central type of air conditioning is rated SEER and window units are rated EER the same number EER and SEER are two different animals. when you see a outdoor compressor rated at 14 SEER that is for the compressor only. they never included the power to run the fan on the indoor unit. depending on the size of the air handler that current can be 5 to 9 amps by itself.