I have the same sentiments, to many people out and about during this time of needing isolation, I don't have a choice so I have to be out, you would be amazed at all the traffic out on the roads, so many people just driving around, going from here to there, I personally think we're screwed in the coming weeks, people just don't know what it means to isolate.
I see a lot of people out and about as well, and one of them would be me. I'm delivering food to family members that are sick, old or self quarantined. Also you be very surprised at the number of people it takes to keep a hospital running, if you have a large ones in your area. So are there people that are out, and shouldn't be, yes. But some are working at critical jobs just like you. In our area alone, we have St. Joes, University of Michigan, Providence Hospital, Henry Ford Hospital, Ascension Genesys Hospital and others, not including Dr's offices.