"carbon neutral" is a buzz slogan...its still a time equation. CUt a tree, plant a tree, you achieve neutrality in ~50 yrs. We will never be able to get neutrality with anything we have to extract from the ground. Our planet, in its current state, cannot support the level of vegetation it did a few million years ago (even if it could, we are constantly repurposing useful land). No one can argue about the power of coal..its pretty available, and energy dense, but I, personally, have a moral objection to it. Its somewhat dangerous to mine, its somewhat dirty to handle,and its somewhat impactive to the local environment to mine. On the plus side...how many other "rocks" burn so damn hot eh? Pretty impressive stuff. If it fits your needs, then use it, its already being taken out of the ground, no stopping that...wonder what the long term price stability is (just thinking out loud here). Power and Industry really like coal.