AVC, is there a way to tell how much 120F water you in those two showers? What we need to do this totally right is a totalizer on the DHW pipe of the water heater/indirect. avc has the oil numbers now if we can get the total gallons of actual hot water used. Anyone have an old water meter kicking around????? It would be as simple at calculating the needed BTUs for the termp rise of the water actually consumed divided by the oil used (timer on burner calculation. All the rest is standby loss. Boiler drafting heat up the chimney, jacket loss of boiler, jacket loss of indirect, loss from associated piping etc. etc. etc.
AVC, I'd do a heat loss calc on your house, I've followed your threads on backup, type of house you have, and the rest. 1.25gph is alot of heat, you do not need it for DHW as you have proven.
An underfired indirect is almost a given, as they spec them at riduclous flows and BTU inputs. Here in the real world, we use hot water at a given rate, and if the boiler and stored hot water in the indirect can keep up, it is a non issue. Look at heat pump water heaters, they make something like 2,500 BTU/hr but have large tanks to make up the difference, and electric elements for supplement. Take a typical electric water heater at 4,500 watts, that = .135 gallons of oil at 80% eff.