Chicken coop Prodject for labar day weekend....Help and in-put + parts list

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No problem Jay, I would recommend checking out the meat bird section in there is a ton of useful info on meat birds. If you have never tried a pasture raised bird it is well worth it. The meat has a firmer texture, a richer taste and you know exactly what you are eating.
JDC said:
No problem Jay, I would recommend checking out the meat bird section in there is a ton of useful info on meat birds. If you have never tried a pasture raised bird it is well worth it. The meat has a firmer texture, a richer taste and you know exactly what you are eating.

For all things chicken BYC is very good. They recently passed the 100,000 member mark.
Heat tolerant Texas Chickens


  • [] Chicken coop Prodject for labar day weekend....Help and in-put + parts list
    7.6 KB · Views: 433
Heres my coup , i have about 25 birds now but 10 are last years and i am going to be geting rid of them soon as the new ones are starting to lay now. there are two sections seperated by a door, that usually stays open unless i have two batches of birds. notice the chicken wire in the eves, thats to keep critters out. also it has a dirt floor because i have found they do better when they can peck at the dirt , all i do is dig the manure out twice a year and throw in some new topsoil and straw. No heat has been needed ever and last winter was pretty cold, but you gotta get the eggs out in the AM and PM as they will freeze and crack. Water is a PITA but i broke down and bought a heated water last winter, it worked great. light is only necessarry in jan and feb on a timer to come on at 4 am and go off at 730 that tricks them into thinking its spring and they lay more eggs. also i dug the base boards into the soil about 6 inches cause animals will dig under to get the birds. even doing that i have lost some in the past to a persistant weasel. as for meat birds i raised 10 cornish roasters from murry mc murry this year,,, 10 weeks from chick to butchering and they dressed out at 7.3 pounds average. as for layers i have buff orphingtons, partgrige rocks and Red star, all are pretty docile birds that dont beat each other up, which can be a problem with some breeds. any questions just ask


  • [] Chicken coop Prodject for labar day weekend....Help and in-put + parts list
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  • [] Chicken coop Prodject for labar day weekend....Help and in-put + parts list
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  • [] Chicken coop Prodject for labar day weekend....Help and in-put + parts list
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SmokeyTheBear said:
cptoneleg said:
Heat tolerant Texas Chickens

Now where have I seen that picture before could it have been on BYC?

Oh I don't know I have seriosly considerd building a coop and start raising some, I have nosed around BYC to get some imformation.
15 new chix's are here....Time to build!


  • [] Chicken coop Prodject for labar day weekend....Help and in-put + parts list
    baby chixs.webp
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When I have chicks without a mama, I put a stuffed animal or the like in for them to hide under and cuddle when they are tiny. I started doing this after I raised some with a mama and saw how much care she took with them and how they like to hide under her.
~*~Kathleen~*~ said:

When I have chicks without a mama, I put a stuffed animal or the like in for them to hide under and cuddle when they are tiny. I started doing this after I raised some with a mama and saw how much care she took with them and how they like to hide under her.

Nice! Will do asap. Thanks there are all huddling together.
Oh its amazing what you find on hearth...

Our 5 just started laying, pulled a monster out just an hour ago.

I used standard lumber, jay i have no doubt yours will be heafty. Ours is 16 x 8 i wrapped all but the roor in galv wire, including the whole floor. On one end, i build a coop about 2 feet off the ground. I made it out of 3/4 subfloor, so it can hold up. We have a stair like roost for them, 2x2 work here as this is where the bulk of the manure ends up. Two story..nesting booxes on the other. We used the same 2x2s as roof perlins and corregated plastic roofing.

What ever you do make sure you can get in to clean. Make the run big enough for them. And give them stuff to climb on and roost. We made ours semi moveable so we can change it up and let them scratch in other areas

Layers stay clean, we had meat chickens, and they are tasty, just not sure its worth the effort.

Good luck, they are fun,and byc is a great tool like hearth. Ill try to get pics, hard with cell phone only.
We got sick of ordering new chicks and like to hatch as well. This year we got 2 roosters and 5 welsummer hens. As soon as they start laying, we should be able to hatch our own pure breeds.
~*~Kathleen~*~ said:

When I have chicks without a mama, I put a stuffed animal or the like in for them to hide under and cuddle when they are tiny. I started doing this after I raised some with a mama and saw how much care she took with them and how they like to hide under her.

Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)
Stump_Branch said:
Oh its amazing what you find on hearth...

Our 5 just started laying, pulled a monster out just an hour ago.

I used standard lumber, jay i have no doubt yours will be heafty. Ours is 16 x 8 i wrapped all but the roor in galv wire, including the whole floor. On one end, i build a coop about 2 feet off the ground. I made it out of 3/4 subfloor, so it can hold up. We have a stair like roost for them, 2x2 work here as this is where the bulk of the manure ends up. Two story..nesting booxes on the other. We used the same 2x2s as roof perlins and corregated plastic roofing.

What ever you do make sure you can get in to clean. Make the run big enough for them. And give them stuff to climb on and roost. We made ours semi moveable so we can change it up and let them scratch in other areas

Layers stay clean, we had meat chickens, and they are tasty, just not sure its worth the effort.

Good luck, they are fun,and byc is a great tool like hearth. Ill try to get pics, hard with cell phone only.

Oh thats is what I am thinking! Weight seems to be hudge I want to be able to move it.
JDC said:
We got sick of ordering new chicks and like to hatch as well. This year we got 2 roosters and 5 welsummer hens. As soon as they start laying, we should be able to hatch our own pure breeds.

Darn sure no where near what you know...Hope to get there!
smokinjay said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:
~*~Kathleen~*~ said:
smokinjay said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).
SmokeyTheBear said:
~*~Kathleen~*~ said:
smokinjay said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!
smokinjay said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
~*~Kathleen~*~ said:
smokinjay said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!

My FIL said something about getting 100 cornish crosses this fall. He may be crazy enough to actually do it too.

We finished his coop last weekend. It is 8x16...a chicken barn.
lukem said:
smokinjay said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
~*~Kathleen~*~ said:
smokinjay said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!

My FIL said something about getting 100 cornish crosses this fall. He may be crazy enough to actually do it too.

We finished his coop last weekend. It is 8x16...a chicken barn.

That would do I am thinking 50. Going 4x8 (16ft run)on this one and as soon as its done i am doing a 8x8 out of polar (20 foot run) for meat.
smokinjay said:
lukem said:
smokinjay said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
~*~Kathleen~*~ said:
smokinjay" date="1314428794 said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!

My FIL said something about getting 100 cornish crosses this fall. He may be crazy enough to actually do it too.

We finished his coop last weekend. It is 8x16...a chicken barn.

That would do I am thinking 50. Going 4x8 (16ft run)on this one and as soon as its done i am doing a 8x8 out of polar (20 foot run) for meat.

There is a 20ishx60ish run for them.
smokinjay said:
lukem said:
smokinjay said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
~*~Kathleen~*~ said:
smokinjay" date="1314428794 said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!

My FIL said something about getting 100 cornish crosses this fall. He may be crazy enough to actually do it too.

We finished his coop last weekend. It is 8x16...a chicken barn.

That would do I am thinking 50. Going 4x8 (16ft run)on this one and as soon as its done i am doing a 8x8 out of polar (20 foot run) for meat.

Smokin are you building on skids?

zapny said:
smokinjay said:
lukem said:
smokinjay said:
SmokeyTheBear said:
~*~Kathleen~*~" date="1314511214 said:
smokinjay" date="1314428794 said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!

My FIL said something about getting 100 cornish crosses this fall. He may be crazy enough to actually do it too.

We finished his coop last weekend. It is 8x16...a chicken barn.

That would do I am thinking 50. Going 4x8 (16ft run)on this one and as soon as its done i am doing a 8x8 out of polar (20 foot run) for meat.

Smokin are you building on skids?


No it will be more like stilts! The floor will be 2 foot off the ground and its portable. It Will do lots of laps around the garden! lol The 8x8 will be on wheels.
smokinjay said:
zapny said:
smokinjay said:
lukem said:
smokinjay said:
SmokeyTheBear" date="1314555689 said:
~*~Kathleen~*~" date="1314511214 said:
smokinjay" date="1314428794 said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!

My FIL said something about getting 100 cornish crosses this fall. He may be crazy enough to actually do it too.

We finished his coop last weekend. It is 8x16...a chicken barn.

That would do I am thinking 50. Going 4x8 (16ft run)on this one and as soon as its done i am doing a 8x8 out of polar (20 foot run) for meat.

Smokin are you building on skids?


No it will be more like stilts! The floor will be 2 foot off the ground and its portable. It Will do lots of laps around the garden! lol The 8x8 will be on wheels.

Sounds like you might need one of these down the road.

(broken link removed)

zapny said:
smokinjay said:
zapny said:
smokinjay said:
lukem said:
smokinjay" date="1314556650 said:
SmokeyTheBear" date="1314555689 said:
~*~Kathleen~*~" date="1314511214 said:
smokinjay" date="1314428794 said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!

My FIL said something about getting 100 cornish crosses this fall. He may be crazy enough to actually do it too.

We finished his coop last weekend. It is 8x16...a chicken barn.

That would do I am thinking 50. Going 4x8 (16ft run)on this one and as soon as its done i am doing a 8x8 out of polar (20 foot run) for meat.

Smokin are you building on skids?


No it will be more like stilts! The floor will be 2 foot off the ground and its portable. It Will do lots of laps around the garden! lol The 8x8 will be on wheels.

Sounds like you might need one of these down the road.

(broken link removed)


No way! lol I cant stand that kinda of stuff....Lived on a farm could not handle it then. Deer hunting isnt much easier for me! For 2.25 per bird you can get them freezer wrap and cooking instruction ready for sale or freeze. Thats money well spent in my book!
zapny said:
smokinjay said:
zapny said:
smokinjay said:
lukem said:
smokinjay" date="1314556650 said:
SmokeyTheBear" date="1314555689 said:
~*~Kathleen~*~" date="1314511214 said:
smokinjay" date="1314428794 said:
Wow this works...After doing some rearrangement's there really liking the teddy! :cheese: :-)

Good to hear!

I went to a chicken swap today to SELL some of my chicks. I came home with 3X more than I brought with me :roll:

No, no according to chicken math you came home with 1/3 the number of chickens you took with you, that means you need to go back and get twice as many as you came home with. Ain't chicken math fun ;-).

LOL Too funny! I have decide to Make two coops and the second one will be set up for meat chix's and goats, And turkeys! On a rotation!

My FIL said something about getting 100 cornish crosses this fall. He may be crazy enough to actually do it too.

We finished his coop last weekend. It is 8x16...a chicken barn.

That would do I am thinking 50. Going 4x8 (16ft run)on this one and as soon as its done i am doing a 8x8 out of polar (20 foot run) for meat.

Smokin are you building on skids?


No it will be more like stilts! The floor will be 2 foot off the ground and its portable. It Will do lots of laps around the garden! lol The 8x8 will be on wheels.

Sounds like you might need one of these down the road.

(broken link removed)


That just reinforces why I have them processed.
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