summit said:Delta-T said:summit, i just noticed that thing has the ancient "gold door" on it. what is the serial # on that bad boy....I bet it predates nutrasweet.
0002486 is the #.... it even has the now defunct microswitch on the feeder arm assy...
Hey, watch your language! My P61A has that dadgum microswitch, too, and it might be listening!
Actually, it's on its second microswitch; scavenged one out of an old dot-matrix printer in a pinch a few winters back. Now, as to the serial number... They have serial numbers?!? Where? Mine is from before numbers were invented, I think.
The previous owner of the mess this thread is about must've never replaced a gasket. I start getting a poor burn and some creosote, I know I've got a leaky gasket to replace. 'Cause I don't burn junk pellets. Often.