Minister of Fire
First off, i'm not anything close to a professional cutter. Just an old man that heats his house with wood ,and likes saw more than he should . I completely understand having a shortage of time do do things . Been there done that ,even got the t- shirt . But, now I'm retired ,and enjoying it immensely . One of those things I enjoy most is at the end of a day of sawing ,is sitting down in the quiet of the shop tinkering with the saws .
Duly noted, Nixon is not a professional cutter. I just assumed you were with the list of saws you have. lol Probably should not have done that.
Yeah, I really like tinkering too and keeping things clean, but there just isn't as much time for it now with my practice, a 6 year old, 4 year old, and 3 month old. Maybe once they are all in school. Hard enough to put in 3 to 4 billable hours a day nowadays.