this is a great question. I have 2 ceiling fans in my living room where the stove is located. I had them blowing down but a buddy told me to make them blow up to blow the hot air down the walls onto the floor. I haven't been able to test this much but will.
My problem is to get the heat from my stove to the rest of my house and not have my living room crazy hot. now I have a vent in my wall that goes to the upstairs hallway. I am gonna put a box fan in there and hopefully suck the air into my up stairs. I said hopefully.
I also have to get it to the rest of the downstairs but don't wanna put fans all over the place.
here is the vent from the living room where the stove is.
and here it is in the upstairs hallway
sure looks like it will
Hope my boxfan idea works.