Just keep in mind it is pretty much impossible to heat your house with a woodstove in the same manner as a heat pump or central furnace or radiators or whatever. A woodstove heats your home from one place, it has no vents or any way to evenly distribute heat throughout your house. So when you are saying these 75 or 80'degree temps are wasteful, those temps do not accurately represent what is going on in the whole house. My guess is that for many people, when they say they keep their home at 80 that means in the area withthe stove, the outlying areas of that home are likely much cooler. So the average temp for all the rooms in that 80'degree home is liken not much different from what people with a central heating system set their thermostats at. In my house I like to burn so that for the majority of my burn cycle my stove room is around 75 degrees maybe a bit more, that will give me about 70 degrees in the rest of my main floor and around 68 degrees in my second floor bedrooms. When heating with wood you have to account for swings in temperature and uneven temps throughout your house. Yes some home layouts allow for better heat distribution, but I believe this is accurate for the majority of homes.