Wow, I have worked you into a frenzy, haven't I? Nevertheless, time for a real world fact: any addition to a house is going to raise the price of the house. Do you think that 30 thousand dollar solar panel installation is going to be free? No, it's going to turn that 120,000 dollar house into a 150,000 dollar house. Who am I kidding, more like 170,000 dollars. Yes, the power bill will be less. Yes, the cost per month won't actually be higher, it might even be lower. But is it going to matter? How many people really care what the monthly bills will be when they are buying the house? They are ONLY focused on the house price and house payment, and that house with the solar panels will still be a 120,000 dollar house with a 170,000 dollar price tag. Is this smart? No it isn't, but then people aren't smart. If they were there would be no such thing as the variable interest rate mortgage. What kind of an idiot signs a loan with a 1/4 percent savings over a fixed rate when that interest can go up 6 percent, doubling the monthly payment, with no recourse?
So far as your projects, and the projects of others on this board, great job. But we're still only talking about what, 100 people out of about 301 million? And that's IF this board were only limited to the US. Since it's a worldwide board, it's more like 6.6 billion. That's such a small percentage that it may as well be nonexistent. I'm simply posting what the REAL WORLD sees, and what the REAL WORLD will do when faced with issues. If the real world were people who are really interested in conserving power and going all renewable, then do you think we'd be having this discussion? Would power sucking 60 inch flat screen plasma TVs be popular? The real world is only worried about what it will cost me, today, in dollars. If burning spotted owls were a nickel a month cheaper than burning coal, there's be a public outcry for more spotted owl fueled power plants. It took 4 dollar a gallon gas to get PART of America out of SUVs, so even that pain isn't complete, and now oil is falling. Until you can address the "what will it cost me NOW, THIS MINUTE", you aren't going to capture the hearts and souls of the general population. The only people you are going to reach is like-minded people, and we don't need convincing. You can keep wearing your rose colored glasses and not see the real problems with changing a nation, but until you take them off and look at the world through the cold, literal eyes of a conservative you aren't going to change much of anything. "This is how it should be" is no match for "this is how it is." The 60's are over, my friend, and good riddance to those stinkin' hippies. The only thing they had that was worthwhile was some of the music.
Don't think I'm trying to say it's all useless, so don't bother, though. Far from it. I've even got my own ideas that I discuss on other boards more appropriate to the subject. For example, my next automotive project will be to put a more fuel efficient ICE in my current vehicle as I can get that done now and take a week doing it. Ironically, it means putting a larger, more powerful engine in. After that, I will be picking up a project to build an electric driven pickup that will have unlimited range and be able to maintain 80+MPH with a load. That project will take me some time because it's all new territory to me, and I need a place where I can spend a year putting it together properly. Once I get it working, I'll have a very detailed parts list and pics of the process available for anyone to duplicate for free.
this guy's my hero and I plan to duplicate his setup for storing heat in hot water. Only, I intend to try and supply 100 percent of my household heat and DHW, year round, from the sun with a few modifications of his design. Naturally I'll have a wood fired backup system, but the goal will be 100 percent of my heat generated by the Sun. How about them apples, and here I am a good political conservative?