Thought I’d vent and share my experience ha. Who knows maybe it’ll help someone here. Long story short we moved into a new home that backs up to the woods and made the investment into a regency stove and heating 24/7 by wood. Due to a late install (dec 5) this year we were forced to buy wood for this winter. 1st cord was actually a little bigger the a cord but 50% was punk. Looked good until you turned it to the bark side to find 2 inches of rot and punk. Half became fire pit wood and the other half we burned and it wasn’t great. Metered a lot of it and most was in the low 20s. 2nd comes the guy claimed he was the most honest around blah blah. Paid a lot for a cord stacked it one my racks which hold exactly 1 cord and it’s 2/3s. I call the guy and he says it’s a loose cord! Whattt!! Then sell it cheaper. Not to mention more then half was short blocky stuff or splits that were 24” long but at least this stuff was seasoned. All measuring under 20%. The last and final cord was just a delivered. Little shy of a full cord and 100% ash. Guy must have hit a ash goldmine. Looks like it was sitting for a few months at most. Ironically it burns the best at out anything I got this winter. Hot, long, and zero smoke after start up.
Sorry for the rant. To make me even more bummed I’ve been hitting it hard since dec and have CSS all by myself 3 cords and counting. I look at my nice tight neat stacks and can’t wait till next winter! For people who buy wood. Do yourself a favor. Buy a chainsaw and a maul. There’s wood everywhere you look and it’s pretty satisfying working for it to heat your family. When you see your gas/energy bill even more of a plus
Sorry for the rant. To make me even more bummed I’ve been hitting it hard since dec and have CSS all by myself 3 cords and counting. I look at my nice tight neat stacks and can’t wait till next winter! For people who buy wood. Do yourself a favor. Buy a chainsaw and a maul. There’s wood everywhere you look and it’s pretty satisfying working for it to heat your family. When you see your gas/energy bill even more of a plus