Follow up on my latest experience: replied to ad with specific questions about how long wood was down, split, stacked...was told 1.5 years on ash and white oak and 'am burning it myself'. As I had to load myself and I didn't want to be a sucker, I dug a moisture meter out of somewhere in my workshop. Split a few pieces of ash and they were testing at >15%, so I loaded up a face cord for $80.
Onto the white oak - by this point we were having a long conversation about wood, lumber, stoves, etc etc etc and I made the MISTAKE of not testing like I did the ash. Mostly because of my own issue with not wanting to 'offend'. It looked and sounded dry, but I should have tested it. When I got home I split some, threw on a bonfire, and sure enough its hissing and it's all north of 25% in the middle of large splits. I feel like a dummy because I could have avoided it, but am still pissed after the whole process of what we went through. Oh well, at least it'll be ready for me next year.
Onto the white oak - by this point we were having a long conversation about wood, lumber, stoves, etc etc etc and I made the MISTAKE of not testing like I did the ash. Mostly because of my own issue with not wanting to 'offend'. It looked and sounded dry, but I should have tested it. When I got home I split some, threw on a bonfire, and sure enough its hissing and it's all north of 25% in the middle of large splits. I feel like a dummy because I could have avoided it, but am still pissed after the whole process of what we went through. Oh well, at least it'll be ready for me next year.