Hi burners! I just recently found this site and it’s a great resource! It seems to have a well viewed forums with many current posts so I thought I’d try asking some Q’s of you experienced folks.
Background: We’re looking for an insert to replace what we believe is an old “Heatalator”. The house had a Quadra-fire 5100 downstairs when we moved in but we have to keep that room 80+deg just to get it to 62-66 in living room directly above it! We even have 2 built in floor fans that are supposed to blow the air upstairs but the ole “heat rises” theme hasn’t been working that great so we figured we could be more efficient by just getting an insert for the upstairs room since that’s where we spend most of our time. All our firewood is cut (of course) to 24” for the downstairs Quad so looks like I’ll be cutting them all in half regardless. Great!…LOL :-(
Here are our main Q’s (answers to any one or more would be appreciated):
1. Catalytic VS No Catalytic- We’ve been leaning heavily towards non catalytic based on the need to replace cats on a semi-regular basis but I found a few threads where people seem to like Blaze Kings which have cats…
2. Cook top Extension VS No Extension- We can cook on the Quadra-fire if necessary so we’re not concerned as much by the cook top aspect as by the mere extra heat we assume would be delivered by having it stick out more.
2.1 Just remembered this one…Blower VS No Blower- Some people tell us the blower isn’t important because the stove is designed to circulate the air around and back to the room already but others have said a fan is important. In a power outage you loose a fan and I wonder if in that situation the fan attachment could hinder (block) the inserts ability to move air as efficiently?
3. Brand Selection (most frustrating part for us)- We’re pretty discouraged by what seems to be a lack of standardization to compare by (Ex: I’ve seen a brochure say efficiency is 69%, a little card in the stove with an arrow pointing to around 64-65%, and a dealer telling me he has documentation to show it’s at least 75% (eligible for tax rebate). what??? I’ve even seen higher indicated g/hr (like 4.2) equate to “higher” (85%) indicated efficiency instead of “lower”. Shouldn't super efficient stoves have very low g/hr ratings? Is efficiency related to getting max combustion (i.e. amount of ash left or particulates released of given fuel) OR is it referring to delivering heat to given space? BTU’s doesn’t seem like a reliable comparable either… I’ve seen statements of being “the most efficient” from numerous different brands but obviously just one can actually be “the most efficient”.
So far we’re looking at Pacific Energy, Lopi, Country, Quadra-fire, and Blaze King (only one with cat and also the only one where a dealer claimed 24 to a potential “48hr” burn time which caused a lot of suspicion and made me think "I doubt you could even get it to smolder for that long"). We’re still open to suggestions as well. We like the price and warranty of PE but I’ve heard that legally “lifetime warranty” = 7yrs in WA state and I’m also concerned that they seem to be the only manufacturer with a Stainless Steel baffle and flame shield vs. the tubes/fireboard/blanket/brick combos that others use. Being unique either means “better” or “worse” doesn’t it? If it were better then wouldn’t others try to move in (without breaking patents of course) that direction? I also just found a worrisome thread where people were finding “cracks” in their inserts and big warps in the diffuser plate but I’ve also heard or read that some warping doesn’t hurt the performance. Wouldn’t warping impact the airflow and thus reduce performance? Does anyone know how long they’ve been opting for a SS baffle? I’d prefer to buy something thinking “I’ll never need the warranty” rather than “expecting” to need it (regardless of how great it may be). They’re supposed to be the oldest/lgst stove maker in Canada right?
Thanks for enduring the length of this post.
Background: We’re looking for an insert to replace what we believe is an old “Heatalator”. The house had a Quadra-fire 5100 downstairs when we moved in but we have to keep that room 80+deg just to get it to 62-66 in living room directly above it! We even have 2 built in floor fans that are supposed to blow the air upstairs but the ole “heat rises” theme hasn’t been working that great so we figured we could be more efficient by just getting an insert for the upstairs room since that’s where we spend most of our time. All our firewood is cut (of course) to 24” for the downstairs Quad so looks like I’ll be cutting them all in half regardless. Great!…LOL :-(
Here are our main Q’s (answers to any one or more would be appreciated):
1. Catalytic VS No Catalytic- We’ve been leaning heavily towards non catalytic based on the need to replace cats on a semi-regular basis but I found a few threads where people seem to like Blaze Kings which have cats…
2. Cook top Extension VS No Extension- We can cook on the Quadra-fire if necessary so we’re not concerned as much by the cook top aspect as by the mere extra heat we assume would be delivered by having it stick out more.
2.1 Just remembered this one…Blower VS No Blower- Some people tell us the blower isn’t important because the stove is designed to circulate the air around and back to the room already but others have said a fan is important. In a power outage you loose a fan and I wonder if in that situation the fan attachment could hinder (block) the inserts ability to move air as efficiently?
3. Brand Selection (most frustrating part for us)- We’re pretty discouraged by what seems to be a lack of standardization to compare by (Ex: I’ve seen a brochure say efficiency is 69%, a little card in the stove with an arrow pointing to around 64-65%, and a dealer telling me he has documentation to show it’s at least 75% (eligible for tax rebate). what??? I’ve even seen higher indicated g/hr (like 4.2) equate to “higher” (85%) indicated efficiency instead of “lower”. Shouldn't super efficient stoves have very low g/hr ratings? Is efficiency related to getting max combustion (i.e. amount of ash left or particulates released of given fuel) OR is it referring to delivering heat to given space? BTU’s doesn’t seem like a reliable comparable either… I’ve seen statements of being “the most efficient” from numerous different brands but obviously just one can actually be “the most efficient”.
So far we’re looking at Pacific Energy, Lopi, Country, Quadra-fire, and Blaze King (only one with cat and also the only one where a dealer claimed 24 to a potential “48hr” burn time which caused a lot of suspicion and made me think "I doubt you could even get it to smolder for that long"). We’re still open to suggestions as well. We like the price and warranty of PE but I’ve heard that legally “lifetime warranty” = 7yrs in WA state and I’m also concerned that they seem to be the only manufacturer with a Stainless Steel baffle and flame shield vs. the tubes/fireboard/blanket/brick combos that others use. Being unique either means “better” or “worse” doesn’t it? If it were better then wouldn’t others try to move in (without breaking patents of course) that direction? I also just found a worrisome thread where people were finding “cracks” in their inserts and big warps in the diffuser plate but I’ve also heard or read that some warping doesn’t hurt the performance. Wouldn’t warping impact the airflow and thus reduce performance? Does anyone know how long they’ve been opting for a SS baffle? I’d prefer to buy something thinking “I’ll never need the warranty” rather than “expecting” to need it (regardless of how great it may be). They’re supposed to be the oldest/lgst stove maker in Canada right?
Thanks for enduring the length of this post.