I'm 100% up to date on my mortgage. I make good money. I have a roomate renting out my basement, and my gf lives with me as well. I can afford it and never missed a single payment even when i was under employed for 2008-2010 after a lay-off. But i'm stuck in a 7 3/8% mortgage on it. I bought it in 2007. My lender F'ed me at the last minute and 2 days before closing (and mind you i had already sold my condo and had a whole line of peole moving riding on it). He pre-qualed me for 5.5 on a 30 yr which was a good rate at this time. 2 days before its suddenly 7 3/8 on a 40 year. I basically had no choice in the 2 day time frame but to sign it or risk losing my sale of my condo, and the house i wanted. I figured, I'd just re-fi 2 years later (the earliest you can re-fi) and eat the lenders mistake... or mine for choosing him.
And then the housing market collapsed and suddenly my loan to value ratio was more than 97%. Fast forward to today, my loan to value is somewhere around 260% after paying on it for 6 years. It should be 80% by now. Considering it was 85% the day i bought it after my DP.
my town is going to chit. They are raising the mill rate again. all the restaurants are closing up one by one. there's 15 dollar stores. everything takes ebt. The city is corrupt. The state is worse. And at the end of the day, I still owe over 315,000 on a house appraised for 167,000 this year.
i'm tired of the liberal politics. i'm tired of the lack of jobs. i'm tired of everyone buying crap with food stamps that i paid for while they leave in their escalade talking on their obama-paid for iphones... because having a cell phone is a right. :rollseyes:
on top of all that, I'm tired of the city/suburbs. I want to move to a more rural area. I want a small 'farm' or a big garden. That land doesn't exist here. if it does, its $200,000 an acre. (no BS)
If i could sell my house, I would. But why should I? no one else did... and it's their fault the market went to hell. So why should i be the good one? Why would i sell it and still owe 100 grand after the sale price? I'm tired of doing it right and getting nothing for it. Our country has become a nation of helping the fails and punishing success.
even a short sale, just helps the bank.
and i have nothing but hate for the bank. they f'ed me.... my turn to f them. And the kicker of all of this is that there's re-fi programs available to stop foreclosure once you miss 6 payments. Why can't you just re-fi me now why i'm up to date? why can't i take advantage of the 3% rates these days? It will save me over a MILLION dollars, lower my payment by over $1000 a month, and allow me to spend more to up the economy. But, they can't because Obama won't let them. Regulation won't let them. We had to stop 'bad lending'. But wait, suddenly when you become a leech on society, there's suddenly help available!? it's all backwards. Other's dropped the vlau eof my house, and i have to eat their mistake? nope. not any more. I'm sick of it.
So, i'm going to take that risk and just stop paying my mortgage. if i get a chance to re-fi, nice. if i don't, i'm out.... and with my hefty mortgage, in those 6 months i basically saved up the downpayment for my next place.... in cash.
frankly, its stupid of me to stay here.
I have some interviews in manchester in the works at some places. I'm looking about 45 minuets out (west) of the city (waere/hillsborough area) but am exploring other areas as well. I drive 45 minuets to an hour now for work, so it's no big deal. it's a 20 min ride, but i always seem to get stuck beind a prius with an obama 2012 bumper sticker in the left lane doing 45.
i need out of here.