Who gave you that idea?
Based on our year so far, and burning a lot of lower BTU woods ('cause my higher BTU woods aren't as well seasoned!), I'm on track for 5.5 cords of wood plus 800 gallons of oil for this year.
Now I'm also burning "bacon wood," as I've gone thru most of the dryer softwoods, and started in on hardwoods split April, 2012. Still beats the 1400 gallons of oil I burned last year!
My advice, based on plenty of recent experience, for burning less than ideal wood:
1. Always put some softwoods under the the wet stuff, to help get it going.
2. Don't put a big damp split in front of your secondary inlet, as the exhaust gasses will be too cool for secondary operation (or catalyst light-off).
3. Mind your ratios... bigger / wetter splits requires more dry wood to balance out.
4. If you run out of dry softwoods, start reloading your less seasoned stuff directly on a hot coal bed. Forget raking the coals forward to slow the burn... your burn will be slow.