I'm the same. I just want to be comfortable with medium. On high for me almost closed if not all the way is good but it's not warming my room.. just the air as all say. I Want everything to be cozy and give off heat during its off times. Cycling is good for the EcoChoice... I'm finding for my larger house that i may have to run on high at night with the cold temps with the feed closed. With those settings my flame is 8 plus inches most of the time. Medium it is about 6 inch above the pot at peak with the feed a 1/3 open. High with the feed closed with MWP runs for only an hr maybe little more than off for 30-45 min then back on. To me not enough to really warm the house and contents. I like slow and steady but WITH cycling.the question for me of running on high on -15 to -20 below nights isn't one of the stove being undersized. it's a choice of do i run it on high with the feed gate all the way closed or open the feed gate a little and run on medium.
there has only been one night so far this winter where the question has even come into play.
i like the quality of the burn with the gate closed. the mwp blend pellets are short and i just get a nice active flame and the pot stays not too full.
of course i do have two tons of softies as well that i haven't had the chance to break out yet.
if we ever get real winter that may just be my solution.
but yeah. medium would be fine on the coldest nights with the blend. i'd just have to open the gate some.