Feeling the Heat
Wow, that looks super! Good work.I was able to fit some hurricane straps to every joist. And I had an idea to keep the wood from squirting out the sides that accidentally anchored the shed to the ground. Btw, it's getting full. Right or wrong, I'm stuffing it to the top. It's cherry, ash and silver maple and I split small, because I can't get to the three year goal. I haven't managed to get to the one-year goal since my wood usage seems to double every year - 1, 2, 4, 8 cords. I'll have 6.5 cords split soon and it's blowing my mind. I have to fill the equivalent of the front row.
Also have a fence row storage that should hold 1.5 cords, but I've got to get the wood to fill that with. And I have pallets for round storage. I've been splitting the ugliest, tetrahedron-ish shaped chunks just to clean up everything and get a fresh start.
I figure I've got time left this year to dream up some sides.