What a hack job!!I've seen many new homes where the foundation was so out of square there wasn't enough of the brick shelf left. The mason contractor would bolt a 4"x4"x3/8" angle iron the length of the wall and support two stories of real brick. 3 brackets welded in triangles, made from 4x4x3/8 angle and bolted with 5/8" rod drilled all the way through the foundation wall with a 4x4 plate on the inside of the basement will hold up a more then 2400 lbs.
I'm sure this happens occasionally and if the person that was having the house built knew about this, it would not fly. Very uncraftsman like!

The truth is, it might hold up just long enough for the Mason and the builder to be long gone, but no where near as long as it should have. A reputible builder wouldn't let it side by, that's for sure!