I agree with leaving the mess in the woods. I've been scrounging out of some clear-cuts and being a newbie I noticed that after I had a log or top loaded up that there was a lot of chips on the ground. The pile of cemetery red oak logs that I scored a couple of weeks ago was behind the house and I didn't want a thick layer of chips in the grass so I spread a tarp out around the pile as I cut...placing the tarp on my side of the logs so the chips would get thrown on it. As I worked around the log I would empty the tarp into my trailer. There's a pretty good pile of chips that I need to dump. I'll get a picture of the pile this evening...a good many chips ended up on the ground but putting the tarp down kept the bulk off the ground. The pile is from cutting up between 1.25 and 1.50 cords.firefighterjake said:I agree . . . partly due to the mud and dirt . . . partly because I figure it's a little less messy when I buck the wood up in the woods and haul it out . . . figure I'll have to buck up the wood sooner or later . . . so I just do it in the woods and haul out with the trailer . . . it's not the only way to get the wood out, and it may not be the best way for everyone . . . but it's my way and it works for me.
I have dragged logs at the clear-cut but only far enough to where I could buck them close to the trailer (30' or so).