My wood seems dry (or should be), but I don't have a moisture meter. Do you recommend a certain one? Most of the wood has the baseball bat sound, checking, and (most) is lighter. Most was exposed to sun and wind (on pallets with only a top metal cover) for almost two years, but before that stored in a shed with only west exposure (where the first year we stupidly put a tarp blocking off that one open side so it only had exposure on 100% dry days). It was then placed back in that same l shed after being on the pallet (because I read more, mostly here, and learned not to store unseasoned wood that way). Some of the wood was only ever stored in the shed, but was also stored with the whole west side open to wind and sun for over a year/year and a half. It's a mix of birch, ash, and maybe some maple and a little oak. Might have poplar in it too. Our neighbor sold it to us. He was knew we were newbies. He is no longer our neighbor (we didn't do anything nefarious; he just ended up moving).

Shed is a standard lean-to along side a small garage. Anyway, the bricks are getting dark, but maybe I'm shutting the air control down too soon? It just seems like it jumps up to 650° (stovetop) if I don't shut it down. Do I wait for all the wood to get some bring in it before shutting it down? The back of stove and wood seems to take much longer to burn. Lots of questions there. I appreciate your feedback!