The boots are great

Good traction and no blisters.......
Turns out these folks really need help and no one will do the work they ask you to do so... My bil told the boss I like cutting timber so they call and ask me to do so BUT that is not what they had in mind...They have me bush hogging under power lines with a MS 440 mag..See I was on the tra thing so I was still able to draw some but now I have taken this job I loose all my benefits and they knew this...They know I can't quit so they lied to get me to work.......
Any way I got a new MS 440 Mag..They wont let me use my chaps so I got a new pair of Stihl that are 8 inches to short.... O and we work 12 hours but only get paid for 10..Not sure how that works but I will find out when I get my first check....
Best part is it has been in the lower 100's high humidity and the terrain is strait up and then strait down..Boots are working great tho..
Remember the episode of axe man when they send the noobs up the hill for choker holes??? Well they did way better then I have been...