Minister of Fire
I did a quick calculation and, for one pound of oak, the difference between starting at 0F and starting at 70F is equal to about 6 percent of the heat you get from burning it. So it actually makes more of a difference than I expected.
I'd like to see your work because I got a different answer than you by a factor of 8+. And, at only about .7% of the btu value of the wood, my answer seems more intuitively correct. Here's my work:
The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of a substance 1 degree C is called the specific heat. The specific heat of firewood in this example needs two components, that of the wood and that of the water. Since we are measuring the amount of heat required to raise the firewood from 0F (-9C), it’s necessary to separate the two components because one (the H2O) will be going through a phase change (from solid to liquid) while the other (the solid wood) will not. The phase change absorbs a significant amount of energy without a change in temperature so our calculation would not be accurate without including the energy necessary to accomplish the phase change.
The specific heat of a pound of oven dried wood is roughly 1/4 that of a pound of water. If that water starts out as a solid (i.e frozen) it needs to go through one phase change transition, the change from a solid to a liquid. The amount of heat required for the phase change doesn’t involve ANY change of temperature of the water, that must be added on. It's also necessary to add in the energy required to raise the temperature of (dry) wood portion of the load to get a complete answer.
If that doesn’t have your head spinning yet, let’s look at some numbers.
Say your load is 40 lbs. of firewood w/ 15% moisture content and we will calculate how much heat energy it takes to bring that wood up to the same temperature it would be if the wood had been sitting at room temperature for a week.
At 15% moisture, a 40 lb. load contains 6 lbs. of water leaving 34 lbs. of 0% moisture "wood".
Now we’ll convert to metric to make it a whole lot easier.
6lb H20 = 2722g 34 lb. dry wood = 15,422g
First we’ll calculate the amount of energy required to raise just the water portion of the load (in this case a solid at 0F (-18C) up to 70F (21C). It takes 1 calorie to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree C. So, the heat needed to raise the water will be 39 cal/gram because we're raising it 39 degrees Celsius (from -18c to 21c). With 2722g of water, that’s 39 x 2722 calories or 106,158 calories.
To that figure we need to add the heat of fusion required (to convert 32 ice to 32 degree water). The heat of fusion (to go from solid to liquid) of water is 80 cal/g. With 2722g of water, that’s 80 x 2722 calories or 217,760 calories. Adding the temperature rise energy (106,158) to the heat of fusion (217,760) gives the total energy required to warm just the water portion of the wood. Which is 323,918 calories. You might notice that two thirds of the energy on the water side of the equation is consumed simply going from frozen to thawed (without contemplating any actual rise in temperature).
The specific heat of dried wood (0% water) is about .27 cal/gram/degree Celsius. This only varies slightly from specie to specie. This is the energy required to heat the wood without water one degree C. Since we need to raise 15,422g of wood 39 degrees C, it’s 39 x .27 x 15,422 or 162,394 calories. To calculate the energy required for the entire 40 lb. load (water and wood, we simply add the two totals together. 162,394 + 323,918 or 486,312 calories. To convert calories to btu’s we multiply by .004 which gives us 1,945 btu’s.
The accepted btu value for one lb. of wood (any species) at 0% moisture level is 8660 btu’s. Since we know our wood weight without moisture is only 34 lbs., our 40 lb. load of 15% moisture wood has 294,440 btu’s (34 x 8660) Since 1,945 btu’s will be consumed simply warming the wood from 0C-21C, we will be deficient by that amount vs. using wood already thawed and warmed to room temperature. Instead of starting with 294,440 btu’s we’ll be starting with 292,496 btu's or 99.3% of the amount that would have been available had the load been pre-warmed warmed to 21C (70F).
That's only 0.7% difference! In other words, only 0.7% of the total btu value of the wood goes to warming it up to room temperature from 0F.
So if you're looking at overall energy efficiency, I guess the trick is to bring your firewood inside on a warm day!
Good luck finding a winter day so warm that this isn't the small loss that it is (remember, these calculations are based on wood that is frozen solid at 0 degree F!) You would have to bring your entire season's worth of wood inside before it got cold in the fall to avoid this 0.7% heat loss. But you can keep this loss as low as possible by only bringing good, dry wood inside!
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