Don't forget your glow plugs and injectors! now is the time. EGR blocker or EGR delete?
See previous comments from Christmas gave you a list with prices. -LOL
Doing glow plugs.
NOT doing injectors $2400 extra... just clean and reinstall
Doing water pump with steel impeller.
Doing EGR blocker
NOT doing EGR delete in case there is an issue with an inspection shop or worse... DOT
Doing new left exhaust manifold because factory one pinches more then it needs to to clear steering shaft.
NOT doing upgraded APR studs to expensive and not really worth it.
Doing PCV re route.
All this $ and I'll never really notice a difference.

It's not like I'm doing a lift kit or putting on new rims or some wild engine performance kit.
Its just stinkin' head gaskets.