- Dec 9, 2009
- 1,495
firefighterjake said:Uh I don't know . . . saw Devil's Club for the first time while visiting my sister in Portage, Alaska . . . it kind of puts most blackberry and raspberry thorned bushes that I see here in Maine to shame.
Ummm . . .you're not actually supposed to go *in* the devil's club thickets, Jake. I'm hoping your sister 'splained that to you.
ironpony said:my worst blood experience was;
cutting a board with a dewalt circular saw
. . . blood all over, was afraid to look down
3 stitches fixed it
. . .
Reminds me of a story . . . person who tells it said he was inside talking to a friend and heard a saw start to jam. Said to friend, "I better go out there before ____ cuts his fingers off." Headed out the door just as ____ came in, as it's told, with "too many fingers in one hand, and not enough on the other." Then the poor guy was told to hold his hand out the truck window on the way to the hospital, because he was getting blood on the new upholstry. Puts a bad day into perpsective, yes?