We manufacture in both locations. Depending upon labor availability, material costs, fees associated with shipping back/forth, etc. Recently, we have added several new jobs in Walla Walla. Demand is very, very strong. Incidentally, all you possible wood stove/pellet stove buyers, check out this out:
Legislation is about to pass Congress which creates a NEW tax credit for biomass heaters under Sec. 25(D) of the U.S. tax code.
- Effective Dates: The new tax credit under Sec. 25(D) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code (“IRC” or “tax code”) will come into effect on January 1, 2021 for qualifying purchases and installations completed on or after that date, through December 31, 2023.
- Credit Amount: Creates a new tax credit of 26 percent of the purchase and installation costs (with no cap or lifetime limit) under Sec. 25D of the U.S. tax code
- Qualifying Products: Require qualifying products (any biomass-fueled heater) be at least 75 percent efficient per the higher heating value (HHV) of the fuel
Check out which units are eligible on EPA's wood heater list. This might just create more jobs!