Hello all , thanks for all the past info you have provided, been very helpful, we are still deciding between the Blaze King Ashford ( wife didn’t care for the looks of the Princess or Sirocco but liked the cast look of the Ashford) and the Lopi Liberty Hybrid,. , my concern with the Liberty is if we are going to be able to burn it low enough to enjoy the fire without running us out of the house, nor sure how well they idol down and haven’t been able to talk with anyone burning the new Hybrid model to find out how they preform on low burns. When I ask about the Ashford at a BK dealer, one salesman said they were cast panels that were assembled with gaskets and bolts, another salesman said they were a steel body stove , basically an Sirocco fire box with cast panels added to the fire box, unfortunately the display model has some new stoves in front of it so couldn’t get close enough to inspect, anyone know how they are made? Thanks. Sorry mods meant to post this in the Blaze King stove thread