Right. If I had access to product, I would also use it in a vehicle first. A diesel can be run on nonconverted veg oil, with alterations to the vehicle fuel system. The important difference between diesel and veg is the temperature of vaporization and the viscosity. The minimum temp. of vaporization of veg is 145F and idealy higher, pref. 180F . Because a cold diesel will not start on veg, it is necasry to install an aditional diesel tank with valving A start /stop procedure would involve starting the engine on diesel, switching to veg upon warmup, then switching back to diesel before shut down to replace the veg oil in the engines fuel system with diesel.. A heat exchanger to preheat the veg may be nessary depending upon engine design, and fuel line routing. All this can be avoided if one wants to take the time and cost to convert the veg, and considering the very small fuel consumption of the vehicle you mentioned, it may be a better option. However if one were to use larger amounts of fuel, unprocessed may be more profitable.