BIG white oak came down this week

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So this is like a game. A bomb-defusing game.
I had a big pin oak last year that had the same tension on a 16" branch. We used a skid steer to hold tension back. When that thing was cut it still pushed back the machine a few feet.

Can you do multiple cuts from the back to relieve tension along the branch?
Another shot of yesterday's progress (compared to the third photo in my previous post):


  • [] BIG white oak came down this week
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Can you do multiple cuts from the back to relieve tension along the branch?
I'm not sure. We're heading to my dads for Sunday dinner. I'm going to take a long second look at everything after sleeping on it last night.
That should be an easy one to cut up but I'll let Scott help you because he is close by. I'll just say to figure out where the tension is FIRST. But this one should be easy and I'd gladly help out if I were closer.
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This bugger is about 7" diameter and came off the downed oak and is way up in the next tree hanging over the main trunk, complicating things a bit. It's too high for me to get anything around it to try to bring it down:[] BIG white oak came down this week
Ugly widow maker there.
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Ugly widow maker there.

We put a heavy eye hook on an old piece of light steel cable and managed to throw it up and get it wrapped around that branch. It came down with a good tug with my truck.

Yesterday I was under the weather so I didn't make the trip over my dad's to work on the project. I came over today for Sunday dinner and found out the "firewood fairy" stopped by yesterday. Two neighbors of my dad's stopped by yesterday and cut up most of what I had not yet gotten to the previous two Saturdays.
[] BIG white oak came down this week [] BIG white oak came down this week


  • [] BIG white oak came down this week
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