Our native Hawthorn (Crataegus mongyna) is actually quite a special tree over here.
It is the tree of fertility, and flowers in May, also known here as the May Tree.
Strong associations with fairies in many folk tales have helped stop it being cut wantonly as firewood.
I would never cut a live one, not because of superstition, but big ones are quite rare.
The flowers and berries are a known cardiac tonic, and the young buds and leaves have a nutty taste.
The thorns are vicious, and they make great hedging trees.
The only thing I have ever seen hanging from them at low level is wool, when sheep scratch themselves and bits of fleece come off.
The Holy Thorn of Glastonbury, which flowers at Christmas as well as May, is a Hawthorn.
Yes, I like our Hawthorn trees, they really are interesting little trees