I have been out picking up wood that I cut last winter, and every time I step into the woods I am collecting ticks in addition to wood. This year seems worse than I remember any previous year having been. In addition to the large Dog Ticks, we have plenty of smaller Deer Ticks as well. I usually don't bother with repellant and just take a shower after a couple of hours in the woods. It seems to take a tick a couple of hours to latch on, and if I shower sooner than that I don't have problems. If I can find the time to spend more than an hour or two collecting wood, I'll have to find a better system for avoiding tick bites.
Anyone know what makes one year better or worse for ticks than another year? Is it weather in the spring, Winter weather? Sunspots?
Anyone know what makes one year better or worse for ticks than another year? Is it weather in the spring, Winter weather? Sunspots?