I use a simple shovel and tin bucket. I go one step further, I run the shop vac with a HEPA filter on it ABOVE the pail as I am shoveling the ash in....
I carefully lower the shovelful of ash into the bucket and slide the shovel out from under it, just as Sav explained in his post above. The "fines" get caught in the shop vac, which I have in my other hand above the shovel/bucket as I am cleaning out the stove.
usually I only have to clean out ash once every two weeks. I don't get much dust in the house at all......works great.
The only "gadget" I use in my stove is the coal sifter that I fabricated......I use that to bring the hot coals out of the ash and it works great for restarts and to burn off EVERY SINGLE COAL in the stove.....I work hard for my firewood and don't want to waste any of it!
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