I don't have the model with the blower I place a fan on the shelf closest to the stove and it works fine.Texas do you have the one with the built in blower?
No kids and it’s in the basement that I only really plan on running while I’m home so I prefer lots of fast heat even if I have to load it every 4-6hr. I am not relying on this for 24/7 heat wile only using 1 cord a year or something crazy. Just to make the house comfortable while we are home and to burn less oil. I have about 6 cords I paid $500 for 2yr ago and then 9-12 cords of raw cut 20ft-ers at my brothers house he got for free when his neighbor had some tree work done.
I got actual information from the guy and this is the stove I’m going to pick up for $250 or 300.
(broken link removed)