We must think alike, I recently picked up a Arduino uno (clone) and a MAX 31855 thermocouple amp and a LCD display.
Thinking about doing the same thing.
I have not got very far with programming, about all I have done is to read the temp in from the serial monitor.
Do you have any programming done, perhaps you would be willing to share your code?
A bit off topic, I recently added a little mod that allows me to control the secondary air. Sometimes when I
put in a full load of dry oak the the temp takes off, if the temp starts going over 725-750 I can close the secondary
air down some and the temps come down pretty quick. It has 2 magnets to hold it up against the stove bottom and
2 washers on the back to guide it, a rod controls it from the left side of the stove.
Thinking about doing the same thing.
I have not got very far with programming, about all I have done is to read the temp in from the serial monitor.
Do you have any programming done, perhaps you would be willing to share your code?
A bit off topic, I recently added a little mod that allows me to control the secondary air. Sometimes when I
put in a full load of dry oak the the temp takes off, if the temp starts going over 725-750 I can close the secondary
air down some and the temps come down pretty quick. It has 2 magnets to hold it up against the stove bottom and
2 washers on the back to guide it, a rod controls it from the left side of the stove.