New Member
- Mar 12, 2013
- 1
Hey everyone out there wondering about heiss heaters, do your research and choose another company
I have owned a 2010,2011 and now a 2012 model 3000 unit. I replaced first two units because of failures with the products heiss sells you, such as pump failures and them using me the customer as a guinea pig to improve their product. I have had to do more research to educate myself along with Heiss on why I had my numerous issues. My 2010 model was the first one they actual insulated on the exterior and the copper pipes inside were all soidered, well I had a circulating pump failure(which creates diesater for the boiler) and the boiler overheated resaulting in the soidered joints to come apart and crack the boiler, which released all the water and delaminated all the insulation. Boiler now destoyed in 3 months of ownership they tell me they will be releasing a new boiler for 2011 called the elite series but I will have to pay for the upgrades( which I thought was complete BS) so I agree just so I would have a boiler again. Well I waited 3 monthes for the new boiler, now it is middle of July and I finally get the new boiler and was so upset about their comnication and ignoring my calls. Found out they were filling other new customer orders before getting mine
!! I start new season with new unit again and 2 months in the season my heat exchangers plug up with scale out of my lines from sitting over the summer. This resulted in another over heat of the boiler,this time the lines inside stayed togather because they said they braised in the new units, but the exterior insulation exploded off it. the unit was fuctional but not hold heat as well. Being only the second year with a boiler I asked Hiess what would cause this scale build-up in my system. They had now idea and told me they had never seen this before, but they would have a water test done for me to figure it out. NEVER HAPPENED!! So I do my own research and find out that most boiler companies have water testing to know if you need any type of chemical assistance. Come to find out my hard water was what caused the scale to build-up over the summer and eventually pluged my heat exchangers. I call them about the flow control switch that was suppose to come with the Elite series, but mine didn't??? They told me I would have to purchase it from them. Again complete BS in my mind
With many phone calls about my destroyed unit and telling them I was going to take action against them if they did not resolve my problems we finally came to a conclusion. Another new unit went into the works, this time I waited another month for the new one and still had to pay for an upgrade again!! Now with a 2012 unit I just had my whole front door and door insert laying on the ground. To make a very long and aggrivating story short.....THREE STRIKES AND THEY ARE OUT
I am done with this company