madrone said:
Am I strange to find something wrong with either threatening violence or allowing your kids to get burned? My son is a well behaved child without ever being threatened and would never touch the stove, but he is occasionally clumsy. All kids are. I guess I don't understand how "learnin' 'em" by physical harm is good parenting. On top of that, I'm not in control of his friends or cousins. The last thing I want is someone else's kid getting a serious burn. Why take a chance? Just to prove a point?
I didn't see anyone threatening anyone. It's simple. There's a stove in the room. Tell the kids not to touch it. If they touch it, they get burned. Their natural reflex will kick in and they will jerk away before any serious harm is done and a two valuable lessons will be learned.
1. Do what you're told.
2. Don't touch hot stuff, it hurts.
My guess is they will only get burned once. Everyone has to get burned once. If they learn sooner rather than later, so be it.
There are hundreds of things around the house that are potentially harmful given the right circumstance. You can't protect kids from everything. I certainly wouldn't construct some behemoth contraption because my kids won't do what they are told. Letting kids face the reality that they CAN get hurt if they don't mind their parents isn't poor parenting. Having the misconception that you can protect your kids from everything while preparing them for nothing, however, is.