How much crud came out of the chimney this time? A lot or was it just the screen that was plugged?
Can you see the cap with binoculars? It would be good to watch it for the next month or two. If it clogs up quickly then something may need to change. If it stays clean then one has to wonder if this was skipped the first time. Well I guess the sweep may need to change then.
FWIW, we went 6 yrs. with a 3/8" screen on our cap. It stayed clean year after year until a few years back when I had a run in with some wet maple. The screen is gone now, but it will be back if someone tries to build a nest in there.
He did not clean the pipe this time. Just removed the screen and inspected the pipe. He said that the top couple feet had a little creosote but after that it was clean.
I have a really nice set of Vortex binos but for some reason it’s really hard to tell how clean it is from the ground.