I agree this is a valid point and another way to look at things. Folks who run saws a lot either for work or for their personal land management , and are used to bigger saws , take them for granted.
I still make a part time living with a saw on the side, but it's not my main job, but still for me speed and efficiency counts. Time is money. On the one hand running a bigger saw than one needs is faster , and can actually be less fatiguing . For example if you can buck big oak in half the time running a 70cc saw , although the saw is heavier than a 50cc, your using it for less time cause it cuts quicker than the smaller saw. So you may be less tired. But if your inexperienced that bigger saw will get " heavy real quick " and you would probably enjoy running the smaller 50cc saw more and get more done with it.
But what DUMF is saying I think is to get skilled enough to use the small saw before getting the bigger saw. And lots of people who's job involved running a saw would agree with this. So true with skill one can do a lot with a smaller saw and 16 inch bar. In fact you can fell and buck trees in the 30 inch range with a 16 inch bar no problem. But for an experienced user they will produce more with a bigger saw and bar on those same 30 inch diameter trees. Cutting trees, logging and forestry work with a saw is a skill only learned with time spent running saws.
I'm glad you mentioned PPE. That's more important than anything in my opinion.
I used the 240 mainly for clearing brush/branches.. however a few years ago I bucked something like 8-10 maples ...between 8"-20" in diameter that we had cut down on my father's property.... Didn't have a wood stove back then, and the wood was given away. I did it all with the 240. With a freshly sharpened chain it was bearable but SLOWWWWW. At this point in my life I rather pony up for the better gear and spend the extra time with my kids.
I found a little used 372xp with a 20" and 32" bar and some chains on craigslist for a reasonable price... It's now sitting in my trunk
edit:... someone else dropped the maples... not me. I just dealt with them once they were on the ground
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