Ya I put the zerks in my gear boxes years ago. I followed the thread on the old IBC forum, that was a great how to for just about any gear box for any stove. I don't remember but you might have made that one?
I haven't greased the agitator gear box for years, since I don't use it.
Ya the clinker pot is pretty much for corn only but I still have the OEM pot and a couple of spare agitators in case I ever would go back to pellets. And I might just be doing that in the next few years as pulling the clinker everyday requires me to kneel in front of the stove and my hinges (knees) are getting pretty rusty. I don't have much problem getting down, it's the getting back up that sucks. I guess it's all about gravity at this point. LOL.
Think that was my thread on IBC. OEM's put very little grease in gearboxes and the inherent heat of operation hardens what little there is in their pretty quick so adding an Alemite fitting to the top side (or close to the top) of a gearbox extends the life of it immeasurably. Grease is cheap, drives aren't. At 70 I have the same issue as you. Getting down, no issue. getting back up, always an issue, especially with my 'loving' cats milling around me. Haven't figured out that I really dislike cats, belong to my wife but think I belong to them.
Cats are only good for 3 things. They puke, pee and crap and not always in a litter box either but they came along with the marriage 34 years ago and have multiplied since then. Oh well, life goes on... Needless to say, when getting up in the morning, I'm always careful where I step in my sock feet....