you have to go one way or the other. You can't "point them out" and "not point them out"
I see this on every forum i go to. The experienced telling the unexperienced that they are dragging the site down with incorrect advice.
If you truely believe this,, you would have already disputed all of the bad advice you have seen,,instead of starting a thread telling everyone it "should be done"
I have seen you disagree with advice, so I think your heart is in the right place on it,,, just noting the "this place is going to he!! thread" that is the common denominator of all forums
Again, those that have been here a while and some new members, know how I am, and If you read any threads where I called BS, or advised of poor advise given, those threads speak for themselves.
It is common knowledge not to purposely point out and attack an individual or individuals with a specific threads geared towards doing so.
This is for just about any decent forum site.
I can remember a few members who are no longer members for doing such, and one was a jackhole that did so with me years back.
I dispute what I want to in the thread that it pertains to, more than most.
The purpose of this thread is to point out the rise in such issues, and sure some venting to boot.
The main purpose is to give those looking for knowledge and advice to do much research and take advise as I said, with a grain of salt.
There is mostly some great advice on here, but there is quite a bit more jacks of all trades, masters of none, giving not so good advice, and to a person who knows no better, this can be potentially dangerous.
I never said anything about dragging the site down, just voicing observance of more BS than typical of years past. That will come with having more members than ever before. Just want the new members who may have no knowledge, to be aware that is all.
The absolute worst is someone claiming to have been doing something for so long, and been doing it improper and advising same to other inexperienced folks.
This is why I tell many new folks who are just getting into this, to do lots of research, take their time, and try to filter through good advise Vs. not good advise.
Not always easy to do, but just bringing it to light.