No frozen pipes and no worries.
Thank You Therm Guard.
I have a four-zone hot water baseboard system plumbed to a 250K BTU oil fired boiler.
One zone is a couple upstairs bedrooms that are not used. The thermostat is turned down to 40.
With a high temperature of 9 today, it was never below 50 upstairs.
No frozen pipe worries.
One zone is in the center of the house and all the pipes are reasonable close to the boiler.
The wood stove is in this zone, but isn't used during the day.
When I came home this afternoon, it was 64 degrees in this zone.
The pellet stove helps heat this zone when we're not using the woodstove.
I haven't even turned the thermostat on in this zone this year.
The two other zones, the ones that are over crawl spaces are the ones that worried me, this, our first year of pellet stove use.
The zone with our bedroom is set to have heat for three hours in the morning when we get ready to start our day and for three hours in the evening, around bed time.
The rest of the time, the temperature is set to 52 degrees, 13 degrees below the high setting of 65.
On this zome, I have a ThermGuard set to circulate the boiler water through the baseboard registers for three minutes, every two hours.
My primary concern in this zone is a large walk-in closet and Laundry room (12 X18) that will get down near 40 degrees if we keep the doors closed. That's a little too close to freezing temperature for me.
The Therm Guard has eliminated any worries that I have about freeze-ups .
The fourth zone is a large kitchen and family room, about 700 sq. ft. with 12 foot ceilings.
This zone has 140 sq.ft. of single pane glazing, and three exterior doors.
Using oil heat alone, this space would not get above 62 degrees for two months of the winter.
I used one, and sometimes two, 26k Btu kerosene heaters as a suppliment to the oil, in order to maintain 65 degrees.
Now, with the pellet stove in this zone, I don't think this zone ever called for heat until yesterday's seriously cold temperature. In fact, I never even had the thermostat turned on to this zone until I installed the Therm Guard a couple weeks ago.
For the first time ever, I'm looking forward to an oil delivery.
This time of year, we should get an oil delivery of 390 gallons, every 5 weeks or so.
Tomorrow, it will be seven weeks since they delivered and in that time, we should have used about 550 gallons.
A quick check of the tanks shows that we have used about 150 gallons.
400 less gallons of oil!!
The savings in oil have already paid for the pellet stove and I've spent less for a year's worth of pellets than I would have spent on kerosene.
I was worried about frozen pipes. and it's likely that I would have had some if not for the Therm Guards.
The installation was literally minutes, and the peace of mind their installation has created has certainly helped make switching to pellet heat a very positive experience.