I would follow fossil's advice. One other thing is figure out your budget, you can skimp on some things but not all things and still be safe. Also is this a DIY job or are you going to have someone come out and do it?
To get a rough idea on chimney pricing fill this out (broken link removed to http://www.selkirkcorp.com/installation-planners/supervent.aspx)
More than likely you will be using a 6", but again this depends on the stove.
Also one word of advice, any of the guys you see advertising on CL or in The Guide saying they have seasoned wood, its not. Since you are close enough if you want to use my moisture gauge to check out possible wood you are welcome to borrow it.
To get a rough idea on chimney pricing fill this out (broken link removed to http://www.selkirkcorp.com/installation-planners/supervent.aspx)
More than likely you will be using a 6", but again this depends on the stove.
Also one word of advice, any of the guys you see advertising on CL or in The Guide saying they have seasoned wood, its not. Since you are close enough if you want to use my moisture gauge to check out possible wood you are welcome to borrow it.