So,I've got a wood burning stove in my cabin that I purchased last year.Also,a fairly large firepit
in the yard at the cabin.All that was left at the cabin when I purchased was about 1/2 cord of poplar
which I will never burn again!My father in law (who has an acreage and allows me to store wood)has a
wood burning insert.So far this year I've scrounged from CL and Tree service guys.I've managed
to get the following:about 1.5 cords of Manitoba Maple,2 cords of spruce,1/2 cord white birch,1/2
cord of apple,and 1 cord of green ash.I split the wood as soon as I get it and have it sitting in an open
field stacked on pallets.
What I'm wondering since I'm new to the burning thing is,how long does the wood need to season to
burn in the stove or insert?How long to season for the firepit?Also any advice for what should not go into
the insert or stove.
Thanks very much in advance.
in the yard at the cabin.All that was left at the cabin when I purchased was about 1/2 cord of poplar
which I will never burn again!My father in law (who has an acreage and allows me to store wood)has a
wood burning insert.So far this year I've scrounged from CL and Tree service guys.I've managed
to get the following:about 1.5 cords of Manitoba Maple,2 cords of spruce,1/2 cord white birch,1/2
cord of apple,and 1 cord of green ash.I split the wood as soon as I get it and have it sitting in an open
field stacked on pallets.
What I'm wondering since I'm new to the burning thing is,how long does the wood need to season to
burn in the stove or insert?How long to season for the firepit?Also any advice for what should not go into
the insert or stove.
Thanks very much in advance.