Wear More Layers,
Are you heating with hot water baseboard or cast iron radiators? If you have CI radiators then heating to the low 60's with radiant is a LOT more comfortable than convection. MIni splits would require at least a few degrees warmer to achieve the same level of comfort as radiant but would be comparable with baseboard. Just curious.
As far as heating and cooling load calcs go, unless these guys or gals are taking lots of measurements all over your house(exterior ceilings, floors, walls, windows, doors, etc...) then they are just guessing.
A real heating/cooling load calculation is going to take a least a couple of hours
I don't think this is really needed though. Woodgeek's numbers with your prior oil usage look pretty sound to me and with mini splits it is safe to oversize up to about 1.5x. More than that and efficiency will start to drop as well as comfort. Undersized and you have the oil boiler to back you up if the mini splits come up short.
Thanks Noah. I do have cast iron radiators and didn't consider the difference with convection heat. The last thing I want to do is feel even colder than I already do.
t think you're right that everyone just guessed with their calculations because nobody took detailed measurements. If I go by Woodgeek's numbers, then I should aim for 26,000 Btus at a minimum. I've found the names of 3 more local companies that are listed on the Fujitsu site and will try reaching one or two tomorrow.