Just to add a little more info to think about. If you go with gas, don't go with the cheapest you can find. My husband and I cook for a crowd once in awhile that has two cheap, and I mean cheap, gas stoves. You can't turn the burners down at all. We cook for two weeks each summer at a youth camp and the commercial stove they have there can be adjusted better than the cheap ones. The cheap ones have one temp and that's it. Now I cook all the food at home on my gas stove and bring it over there. I have a Bosch gas stove and love it. If you do a lot of baking you might want to consider a convection oven for the oven part. They are becoming more common in residential ovens and are great when you have to cook for a crowd, a frequent occurrence at our house. I love the fact that I can fill all three racks in my oven with pizza and bake them all at once. We finish off our maple syrup inside and having a stove that can handle large kettles is great. The grates cover the top and it is has what is called a sealed top, which is wonderful for cleanup time. It has been in use for about 5 years and still going strong. Also it has one burner that is for large kettles and skillets and it handles my 12" cast iron skillet with no problem.