South Pugent Sound as compared to elavation of 3000 ft , 3-4 feet of snow, - 20-40 C winters is definately not a similar situation agreed.
As far as a leaky seive some additional insulation and better windows will be coming soon, however some drafting I prefer. Airtight houses are not healthy nor are a lot of the products used to seal them up. I have the abilty to crack a window for fresh clean air when needed and do not have to breathe recycled gas I passed this morning lol !
As a note I have a fresh air intake plumbed to the summit under the basement floor so all combustion air comes from outside. When dealing with draft issues this is beneficial as the stove while burning does not vacuum the house and pull cold air in to expell the smoke and fumes out the chimney. Air out means air in and beleive me you will experince this and know wher the drafts are.
Very important if you are also running forced air furnace of any kind. If the room you have your wood stove in is not appropriately pressure balanced during forced air operation backdrafting at low fire times is a real and potentially deadly issue.This is a much safer install method for Carbon monoxide issues etc.
Again I would pay closer attention to the area you live in and the people that burn wood there, their square footage and the insulation factors of their dwellings. The information will be more relevant to your situation and needs. Stove quality, safety concerns and general feedback here is awesome tho!