I would still have my 14 year old whitfield if it didn't start to rust, I could have refurbished it and probably got another 10 years out of it i'm sure, but we " upgraded " to the XXV, in many ways I really liked the whitfield and was the top of the line stove at the time, in 14 years it only needed an auger motor, if we kept it for a 15th season it would have needed a combustion blower for 155.00. I don't think the newer stoves are any better. The whitfield needed to be shut down once a week for a good cleaning, the xxv could proabably go a month, turns on and off and maintains the house at 71 degrees. There are plusses and minuses to every stove, a quality well built well maintained stove I would think should last a minimum of 15-20 years.