No offense taken. From past careers and comps you got to have a thick skin and deal with facts without taking anything personally.
What is surprising is the uniformed emotional state of too many with absolutely NO experience with this product in use or repair. Big talk.
The specs and facts have been posted for informed opinions ( like Begreen , Webby, and the VC owners ).
It's boring to hear hearsay and emotional outbursts and personal attacks from the few outliers. Banjos ? Ready. FIre. Aim.
So wait. See what the actual product delivers. Yes to you deniers
, I am prepared to return any product if it don't do what it should.
Pics of the tab reconstruction coming when I get the brain in order with your tips..thx.
What is surprising is the uniformed emotional state of too many with absolutely NO experience with this product in use or repair. Big talk.

The specs and facts have been posted for informed opinions ( like Begreen , Webby, and the VC owners ).
It's boring to hear hearsay and emotional outbursts and personal attacks from the few outliers. Banjos ? Ready. FIre. Aim.
So wait. See what the actual product delivers. Yes to you deniers

Pics of the tab reconstruction coming when I get the brain in order with your tips..thx.