Wood Duck said:Hey DMZX, I don't know how physically fit you are, but I think anyone who can swing a maul reasonably well could split 14 inch Black Locust with just the maul. I know I could and I am not particulary big or strong. Don't try to split the 5 footers right down the middle. Find a weak spot or chip off the edges. Locust is prety easy to split, especially when cut to only 14 inches long.
I have been swing a 8lb maul for about 30 years, so I am pretty good at the mechanics of it, and fairly accurate to boot. Plus I am 6'2" and 220lbs, so I can put some descent heft into the swings. But I am a bit of an oldster, (I was conceived when my Dad was home on leave from Army Basic Training, before he was sent to the Pusan).
I use a 14" standard for all my rounds because I have a fairly small stove and that is what is easiest to toss in. I will need to make chunks that are, ideally, 6"X6", so my maul is going to get a good workout in the next month.